Drunken chicken

I decided to re-try my recipe from last week with a few modifications.  I purchased a package of 10 chicken thighs from Sams for $5. I rinsed them then threw them in a zip-lock bag with some fresh lime juice, several shots of tequila, and squeeze bottle minced garlic and  fresh cilantro. I let it marinate for approx 5 hours. I then removed and added my normal seasonings to the chicken that consists of onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, oregano and paprika.  I then placed it on the smoker, and I used hickory wood this time. (last time I used Apple).

drunken chicken

I smoked the chicken for 2 hours and I flipped it once during the process. About thirty minutes before removing from the smoker, I added potatoes “Caveman” style. Simply take the potatoes, wash them, and pierce them a few times, ( I just use a fork ) and throw them directly on the coals.











This is when it was removed from the smoker. Chicken can be smoked low and slow or fast and hot. In the case of low and slow, it is necessary to finish it at a high heat to crisp up the skin before serving.






It only took a few minutes on the hot propane grill to crisp it up on both sides.






This was the finished product. It had great flavor and I will definitely do this again.






Here were the finished potatoes, looked bad on the outside, but cooked perfectly on the inside with a hint of smoked flavor. I great meal with minimal effort and cost.